Three basic accommodation services are available to the student(s):
- Shared Student Flat
- Host family
- Student Residence (July only)
Both, Host family and Shared student flat options are offered by our agency .It comprises a one-time 90€ accommodation-finders fee. Apart from the 90Eur fee charged for finding the accommodation, you will also have to pay 100Eur deposit which will be deducted from the first months rent. Once the fee is paid and students are set up with their respective landlords, all further rent payments are arranged between the student and the landlord.
Shared Student Flat
Shared student apartments are the most affordable and popular accommodation option for foreign students in Spain. Apartments are located throughout Madrid within reasonable distances to the university (no more than a 30-minute commute). Shared apartments typically include 3-5 bedrooms, 1-2 bathrooms, a shared kitchen area, TV, and a living/dining room. Individual rooms usually come furnished with a desk, bed, and closet.
Students living in shared apartments are grouped with other international students. They are unsupervised and are thus responsible for their own cleaning, cooking, and laundry. Unlike with the host families, there are no requirements placed on a student's comings and goings from the apartment; however, parties are prohibited and can result in expulsion and loss of the deposit. It's also important to note that shared apartments are designed especially with students in mind; they're affordable, but not luxurious.
The price for a room in a shared flat in Madrid will range from 550-650Eur per month plus additional utility costs (approx. 20-40Eur per month).
Host Family
Half-board option is available. The half-board option includes two meals per day (breakfast and a choice of either lunch or dinner). Students who choose the half-board option may wish to choose lunch instead of dinner, since in Spain lunch is the main meal of the day.
The price for a room with a host family half-board in Madrid will range from 700-800Eur per month plus additional costs.
Accommodation via the University
Campus Residence: Students who will be enrolled at the University for the summer course (July only) can apply for housing in the campus residence, but we recommend that students book early, as few rooms are available.
The booked accommodation in the residence by the student will coincide with the duration of the student's program. The university cannot guarantee that there will be a place available in the residence for the student outside of his/specific program dates.
Once the student completes the accommodation application and pays the deposit, the university will provide the information about the accommodation selected.
Students are responsible for informing the university about any special needs and conditions that they may have, including health or dietary restrictions, smoking preferences, or allergies.