Certificates & Credits
Depending on the type of course and the student's particular study arrangement, the University of Madrid (Antonio Nebrija) will grant either a Certificate of Spanish Language and Culture or provide academic transcripts for credit approval at foreign universities. For accredited programs, 6 ECTS (European Credits Transfer System) are granted per course.
Certificate of Spanish Language and Culture
Students who successfully complete a course receive a certificate of attendance, which certifies all courses taken at the university, the highest level attained, and the duration of study.
University Credits
At extra cost, Madrid University offers credit-compatible courses that generate credit hours at the student’s home university. The university’s regular, non-credit-compatible courses are identical to the credit-compatible courses, except that in the latter case the university takes care of pre-approving the credit hours with the student’s home university.
Upon successful course completion, Nebrija takes care of sending academic transcripts complete with course and grade information to the student's home university. Once the transcripts are received and processed by the university of origin, official approval is obtained and the corresponding credit for courses taken at Nebrija appears on the student's home-university transcripts.
The final grade is established using the following scale:
-33% attendance and active participation in class
-33% daily work both in and out of class
-34% exams
This option is only recommended for students who must receive credit hours for academic reasons, as the price differential is considerable. If you’re interested in receiving university credits for your studies at Madrid University, please contact us for more information.